New Job, More Anxiety

New Job New Anxiety.jpg

Hi there and welcome to my first email (or blog). Don't worry, your inbox will not be flooded with stuff from me. My good intention is to write an email once a week or so and while I don't encourage it, it is easy to unsubscribe.

Monday next I start a new job and a new phase in my career. Whilst it is still in my field of technology, the job is in a different industry and I will be leading a much bigger team. Indeed, it is quite a challenging sector at the moment.

So, lots of anxieties surface and of course early stage imposter syndrome kicks in.

Anxiety for me is fearing the unknown and expecting the worst. It results in my mind racing when I should be asleep and falling asleep when I should be awake. My energy levels fluctuate wildly.

I can't put my anxieties in a box, but a few techniques do help .. hydration, sunshine, putting a plan together, light exercise (I'm trying to minimise body strain), sleep and no alcohol and limited caffeine.

These may be placebo techniques but I find they help. I am naturally excited and nervous about my new job but I also have managed to feel less anxious the last few days.

Roll on Monday!


Eat to Train


Heart Rate Variability (HRV)