Holding Back The Years


In my last blog I focused on people living in so-called 'Blue Zones' and the common characteristics they shared that resulted in them having lifespan and healthspan well beyond the average.

Well, continuing on the youthful theme, this time I will talk about some accredited research that has demonstrated a reversal of genetic age using relatively simple diet and lifestyle interventions.

The study found that for the subjects (all men aged between 50 and 72) all 'turned back the clock' on ageing by more than 3 years in just 8 weeks by following a set healthy lifestyle regime.  This regime covered diet, exercise, stress management and supplements for this 8 week period:

  • An average minimum of seven hours sleep a night

  • Minimum of 30 minutes of exercise per day for at least 5 days per week, at an intensity of 60-80% of maximum perceived exertion. This means you’re breathing heavily and feeling challenged by the exercise, but can still speak.

  • Participants took two specific supplements to boost intake of phytonutrients, prebiotics and probiotics - whilst the particular brands mentioned in the study seem to be only available in the USA, they look standard enough.

  • The study participants followed breathing exercises from the book 'Steps to Elicit the Relaxation Response' by Herbert Benson MD, twice daily. The Relaxation Response is a simple meditation technique: once or twice a day for 10 to 20 minutes, find a quiet environment, sit in a relaxed position, eyes closed, and repeat a mantra - a word or sound - as you breathe.

  • The nutritional guidelines the study participants followed were very low in carbohydrate, but high in leafy and cruciferous vegetables as well as lean meat though grains, dairy and beans/legumes were off the menu. It is also important to remain hydrated, there is no mention of alcohol and of course sugar is to be avoided. Healthy fats from olive oil etc are included plus overnight fasting between 7pm and 7am.

The lead researcher Kara Fitzgerald says that the study “ is unique in its use of a safe, non-pharmaceutical dietary and lifestyle program, control group, and the extent of the age reduction.” You can read the whole study here, and find out more about Dr Fitzgerald and her work on her website.

Whilst there are some considerations before broadening any outcomes (all subjects were men, they all were healthy, but we are not informed what lifestyle regime they were already following), this is pretty impressive in terms of reduction in epigenetic age from lifestyle habits only.  

To 'turn the clock back', would you be prepared to or have you put this regime or aspects of it into practice?




Elixer of Youth