
A popular buzzword usually describing a miracle food that bestows on the consumer super powers or the ability to cure or prevent every known disease to mankind.  In spite of the hype, there are a number of common food items that do have significant health benefits and there is actual science to back it up!


Well, it doesn't just keep vampires at bay.  There is strong evidence to suggest that it has a very positive impact on cardiovascular health by reducing blood pressure and improving cholesterol profiles.  It also provides antioxidant benefits and it may also help lower fasting blood glucose levels.  So, make sure to include garlic in your diet.

Dark Berries

I mentioned blueberries in my last post and other dark berries such as blackberries and raspberries can also have a positive cognitive health benefit.  Research has shown that older people in particular can improve their memory by consuming dark berries - either fresh or as a supplement.  It is to do with the ability of the berries to increase a growth factor called BDNF which induces spatial memory improvements.


This is a blue-green algae that is now commonly available in powder form in health food stores.  It has a high protein content, contains a large dose of beta-carotene, trace minerals and vitamins.  It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits and has been shown to dramatically decrease bad cholesterol.  Sadly, it is not particularly tasty as a supplement but you can also through it in a smoothie!

Leafy Greens

These contain high levels of nitrate which improves blood flow by dilating blood vessels.  Each leafy greens daily (such as rocket, collard greens, dill and beetroot) can hep to lower blood pressure over time.  Beetroot has so much nitrate that it can serve as a pre-workout supplement.

Its fair to say that it is pretty easy to incorporate these foodstuffs into a diet.  Certainly berries, spirulina and greens could be incorporated into a daily smoothie - I'm not sure I'd want garlic in my smoothie to be honest!


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